Segmentation and Targeting with Adobe Audience Manager Building Segments in Adobe Audience Manager

Building Segments in Adobe Audience Manager


A quick peek into the process of creating segments in Adobe Audience Manager using Segment Builder.
Learning Objectives:
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Explain the difference between raw data, signals, traits, and segments in Adobe Audience Manager
  • Outline how raw data, signals, traits, and segments relate to each other in Adobe Audience Manager
  • Detail the visual and code views of segment builder in Adobe Audience Manager
  • Map out how segments are built in Adobe Audience Manager

Adobe Audience Manager makes sense of all the raw data that hits its servers by building segments. A segment or audience is a group of users who have common attributes. Adobe Audience Manager uses rules to create segments. These rules are based on user attributes, such as their age, income, behavior, and more. This lesson will discuss how to create segments in Adobe Audience Manager.