Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service for Dummies

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service for Dummies

This CRMBase learning path will introduce you to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service in short, easy to grasp lessons. You will learn about the value addition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service as a solution for managing communications with customers to improve customer satisfaction rates. You will learn about their self-service solution, the tools they provide to improve agent productivity, and their proactive support features. With easy-to-understand examples and hands-on exercises, you will learn how to take advantage of the full range of features offered by this cloud. Using this CRMBase learning path as a steppingstone, you can specialize in any area of this CRM cloud. 

Target Audience: This learning path is for everyone who is interested in learning about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Service from business users to system administrators and developers.  

Prerequisites: None, this learning path is for absolute beginners.  

Sign up for the notification of a free access pass as soon as the learning path is live. 

Tentative Availability Date: 03/01/2021

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Estimated Time
1 month